Are You Tired of the Scale Not Budging in Menopause?

Learn How to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss in Menopause by losing 10 lbs and Reclaim Your Vitality!

Are you frustrated with the lack of progress on the scale, despite your efforts?

Have you tried EVERYTHING and feel like NOTHING works??

Are you OVERWHELMED by the conflicting information about diet and exercise, unsure of what truly WORKS FOR your body in menopause?

I get it....

It's NOT your fault that despite your efforts, progress on the scale seems elusive.

The overwhelming onslaught of conflicting advice about diet and exercise only adds to the frustration.

These are all too common struggles for women in peri & post menopause, compounded by the challenge of prioritizing self-care amidst everything else we have going on in our lives.

IMAGINE if you could finally break free from the frustration of constantly thinking the scale is conspiring against you.

ENVISION gaining clarity on what truly works for your body, empowering you to reclaim your energy and vitality.

With the right guidance and support, prioritizing your health becomes an exciting journey towards living life to the fullest.

Introducing JUMPSTART your Weight loss in Menopause, where the average weight loss in 6 weeks is 12-14 lbs!  

By the end of these 6 weeks you will be able to confidently navigate your health journey, begin shedding weight, and start living a more vibrant life without feeling like you ever have to ‘diet’ again! 

Hi there! I'm Erin, and I've been immersed in the health and wellness world for over 14 years.

With a background as a certified kettlebell instructor and nutrition coach, I've guided countless women toward their health and weight loss goals.

But I've also walked in your shoes—I've faced the frustrations of peri & menopause weight gain, low energy during the day, and the overwhelm of not knowing where to turn.

It was only when I began applying the very strategies I now teach in JUMPSTART Your Weight loss in Menopause that I shed 60 pounds, regained my vitality, and reclaimed my passion for life!

These strategies are not what you'll find in typical weight loss programs. I will teach you the crucial elements that conventional programs overlook—the very things that are often hidden from us. My unique approach will empower you to achieve lasting health and transformation.

Transformations my clients have experienced:

  • No More Midday Crash

  • Better Sleep

Before starting this program with Erin, I never felt like I got enough sleep. I dreaded mornings because I woke up still exhausted. By midday, I was so tired and sluggish I either had to have a coffee or a nap to function.

Three weeks into this program, I now have more energy than I ever thought possible! Sara F

  • Down 20 lbs

  • 80% Pain Reduction

"Worth it, I'm on week 3 and the improvements in my health are more than I've accomplished on my own in 5 years!"

Shay Love DeBernardi

  • Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

"Nothing was working to bring my blood sugar down including Metformin. The doctors just kept increasing the dose.

After I started working with Erin, my blood sugar is the lowest it's been in over 10 years!

It just blows my mind that making these few changes has impacted my body/health this much and this quickly!" Rene W

"You have helped create a whole new pathway for me. A whole new way of eating. This is the new way I choose to live from this point on because I feel that much better" Kristin Raquel

"I’m in awe of how I have no cravings. I only think about eating when I’m hungry. Everything feels different." Danielle N


Kathy Lutz

Benefits of JUMPSTART your Weight loss in Menopause

  • Weight Loss: On average, my clients are shedding a whopping 12-14 pounds in 6 Weeks!

  • Increased Energy: Within just one week, my clients energy levels have skyrocketed!

  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: Surprisingly, my clients sleep quality has improved and most of them are sleeping a solid 7-8 hours with no disruptions!

  • Balanced Blood Sugar: Perhaps most amazingly, their blood sugar levels, a key marker of overall health and longevity, have shown significant improvement in just three weeks!

  • Learn Lifelong Tools & Habits: The tools and knowledge implemented in this program become part of your daily life which ensure lifelong success!

  • Community Support: We are not meant to do life alone! You will have a community alongside you at every turn to ask questions, get support & share your wins!

  • Weekly Expert Teachings: I will be teaching you every week the exact steps that I took to lose weight in menopause. These are steps now that other women have taken and are getting amazing results that are not only affecting the scale but other key areas of their lives.

Schedule a free Discovery Call with me HERE today and find out if this is a good fit!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your weight loss journey and reclaim your vitality. Act now and join us for a transformational experience starting October 7th - ONLY 10 Spots Available!

This program isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming your vitality and confidence for the rest of your life. It's about learning the truth about the foods & habits that will not only fix your metabolism but regulate your hormones which IS the ROOT of Weight Gain!

Learn & begin to implement the FOUNDATION in your life to ensure better health & overall a better life!

Don't let this chance slip away.

Join me now to lay the foundation for your health journey, shed the stubborn menopause weight, and unlock the vibrant life you deserve!

What Does JUMPSTART Entail?

JUMPSTART is a program that will teach you the 4 essential pillars of how to fix your metabolism & regulate your hormones while in peri & post menopause. You will receive expert weekly teachings & Q&A so that you can be sure to lay the foundation necessary to truly have optimal health - whether that is simply losing weight or if you have gut issues, type 2 diabetes, anxiety, lack energy through the day, joint pain or any other pain in your body.

What Foods will I Eat in JUMPSTART?

Research has shown that women need more fat than we get - specifically animal fat. JUMPSTART is based on the research that a high fat, moderate animal protein + low to no carb (depending on your specific situation) is what our body needs and thrives on. I lost 60 lbs, regulated my hormones, and got my life back doing exactly as I teach you.

What Makes JUMPSTART Different from Other Weight Loss Programs?

This class is unique because it focuses on getting to the root of the issue. Weight gain is often just a symptom of a metabolism that needs to be fixed and dysregulated hormones. By using research and experience with a high fat, moderate protein, and low to no carb way of eating, we address the underlying issues in your body.

JUMPSTART also teaches you what you need to know for optimal health no matter how old you are, or what is going on in your life. This ISN'T a program - this is the foundation you need to fix your metabolism and regulate your hormones so that you can lose weight.

Are There any Dietary Restrictions in JUMPSTART?

Yes, the class promotes a high fat, moderate protein, and low to no carb way of eating. This approach is designed to address the root issues of metabolism and hormone regulation for effective weight loss. Detailed guidelines will be provided to help you succeed. Does this mean you can no longer eat carbs again? Absolutely not, however if you have weight gain, or any other health issue it is essential for your body to heal and this means for a time we give your body what it needs and eliminate what got you to this point in your health in the first place which was inflammatory foods over the years.

How Do I Know if JUMPSTART is Right For Me?

This class is perfect for someone who knows they need change to see change. If you’re ready for a transformation and need someone to lock arms with for support, this is for you. You must be open to changing your beliefs about what is healthy and willing to make necessary changes. This program will only support those who are ready to take responsibility for their health and commit to the process. I won’t wave a magic wand and make the weight disappear—you’ll need to take action. But I’m here to provide the guidance, support, and instruction you need to succeed.

What Happens After the 6 Weeks are Over?

Great Question! You have the tools in your toolbelt to keep doing what you have been taught after the 6 weeks are over! You will be given specific action steps every week during JUMPSTART and the intent is to make these new action steps habits! This is the beginning of a new life!

Many of my clients do choose to stay in the next group because they know they need accountability to keep going and that will be an option for you as well.

Do You Offer Refunds for JUMPSTART?

No, I do not offer refunds as I am confident that if you put in the work, and take the action from the classes that I provide you will get results!

Doesn't High Fat Raise Cholesterol Levels & Increase My Risk of Heart Disease & Make Me Gain More Weight?

Research has debunked the long-standing myth that dietary fat is the main culprit behind heart disease and weight gain. It's actually the sugar industry that hid research showing sugar, not cholesterol, was the main factor in heart disease. Studies indicate that it's excess carbohydrates, not fat, that contribute to weight gain.

Carbs are converted into fat in the body, whereas healthy fats can support metabolism by keeping blood sugar levels low, which is the main culprit of heart disease and weight gain.

Embracing a high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb diet can help regulate hormones, boost metabolism, and promote sustainable weight loss. Research from sources like PubMed, and AHA journals supports these findings, demonstrating the benefits of low-carb, high-fat diets for cardiovascular health and weight management .

You can read a few of these studies here: here: and here:

What is the Average Weight Loss in 6 Weeks?

The average weight loss in JUMPSTART is 12-14 lbs. Other NON-Scale benefits that women report are better sleep, more energy through the day, clearer brain functioning (no more brain fog), and better moods just to name a few! Your results will be dependent on the action you put in, and how consistent you are with implementing each step within JUMPSTART.

Is This a Free Program?

JUMPSTART is not free. While I understand the desire for free resources, this program reflects my years of research, experience, and dedication to helping individuals achieve their health goals. By joining, you are leveraging my time, expertise, and personalized support, which significantly accelerates your journey to results. Investing in this program ensures you receive the guidance and accountability needed to make lasting changes.

Your commitment and investment are crucial for your success, and I'm here to provide the highest level of support to help you reach your goals.

I do have several free resources that you can find here: Thriving in Midlife Free Group: and Thriving in Midlife Podcast:

How Much Does JUMPSTART Cost?

A lot of weight loss programs have a high ticket on them plus they require you to buy their food and/or supplements! This is not the case with JUMPSTART. I intentionally chose to keep the investment level low at only $997 for 6 weeks of working privately with me to ensure you know exactly what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat - you get an exact blueprint for YOUR body & goals, weekly lessons so you can know WHY and be able to implement each step so that you can stick with it, community support because when you are the only one in your family or friend group that is making a change like this - chances are you will fail if you do not have the support from a community of likeminded people, 24 Hour Q&A Support within the group so that at anytime you have a question come up, you can put it in our private group an get support from me and others...which means no more confusion in your health journey!!

I guarantee that this is the only weight loss program out there that not only supports you losing weight, but you will never need to do another program again! Eliminate confusion, doubt, and overwhelm and set up a call with me to join JUMPSTART!

I've literally paid thousands of $$, & hours of time researching & experimenting to learn the information that I bring to you! Think of this as the LAST program you will ever need!

I do also offer private coaching only but I don't want you to pay more than you need to in the beginning to get the support that you need -which is why I keep the investment level low! Often times, clients who have been through JUMPSTART want to continue on for the accountability or because they have a specific issue they are working through within their health and this is where the private coaching is beneficial.